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Friday, March 27, 2020

The best way to lose weight boils down to these three things

By Mukit Hasan

Call it what you will: An eating plan, a way of life, an eating regimen, a way of thinking, however barely any things accumulate such warmed discussion as how to get more fit. In all actuality, regardless of whether you're on a low-carb keto program, gave to the Paleo way of life, all in on the Whole 30, or stay resolved to low-fat eating, these plans share more for all intents and purpose than you might suspect. In addition, follow any of them strictly, and you'll likely notification results.

In one ongoing examination, Stanford University scientists put in excess of 600 overweight grown-ups on either a solid low-fat or low-carb diet. It turns out, members had comparable degrees of weight reduction accomplishment on each arrangement. Specialists searched for pieces of information, (for example, insulin levels and quality examples) to check whether there are any variables that may make somebody increasingly fruitful on either diet, yet in the wake of sifting through the information, they were not ready to make any associations.
What they noted is that eaters on the two plans followed some extremely straightforward guidance. This exhortation is the repeating theme among all empowering weight reduction and dietary methodologies. So in case you're searching for the most ideal approach to get in shape, center around these three decrees of good dieting.

What science says about the most ideal approach to eat (and what we're despite everything making sense of)

1. Eat more vegetables:
Taking into account that 9 of every 10 Americans neglect to meet their produce necessities, it's truly sheltered to state you have to eat more vegetables. What's more, regardless of what nourishment theory you buy in to, vegetables are a major piece of the program. Vegetables have a great deal going for them: They top you off for not very many calories, and they flood your body with the supplements it needs to battle illnesses, similar to coronary illness, type 2 diabetes, and a few diseases.
In the event that you follow nourishment patterns, you may think you need to begin to look all starry eyed at cauliflower and kale to receive all the benefits that vegetables offer, yet that isn't the situation. Be it broccoli, carrots, red peppers, cabbage, spinach, asparagus, brussels grows or some other vegetable, the thought is to eat an assortment of them and discover a lot of approaches to make the most of their decency. So on the off chance that you can't stomach steamed Brussels grows, attempt them broiled, or check out sautéed brussels grows. On the off chance that crude zucchini isn't your thing, check whether you like it spiralized into noodles or flame broiled on a barbecue container.
A reasonable, carb-cognizant eating plan for individuals with type 2 diabetes
Utilizing a layered methodology is another incredible method to construct a decent veggie propensity. For instance, start with a nourishment you as of now appreciate — state, pasta — and layer a few vegetables into your bowl. This can assist you with investigating another nourishment with one you as of now love eating, and from that point, you can attempt better approaches to relish it. Take spinach, for example. In the wake of attempting it with pasta, you might need to crease it into an omelet or another most loved nourishment, or investigate it all alone with various cooking methods (sautéed or steamed) or distinctive flavor increments (garlic or brilliant raisins). The conceivable outcomes are boundless!

I've changed over innumerable veggie haters into veggie eaters, and increasing your vegetable game can have gigantic adjustments by they way you look and feel.

Attempting to eat more plants? Follow a flexitarian diet 

2. Eat less sugar:
You can reprimand science for your sweet tooth. We're designed to have an inclination for desserts, and this drive is general and starts at an opportune time, as indicated by investigate regarding the matter. Sugar makes nourishment taste great, so nourishment organizations add it to everything from breads to soups to serving of mixed greens dressings to grains, yogurts, and the sky is the limit from there. This indicates an excessive amount of sugar!
All things considered, Americans devour in excess of 19 teaspoons of sugar for every day — far in abundance of the American Heart Association's 6 teaspoon limit for ladies and 9 teaspoon limit for men. This isn't helping your waistline, which is the reason each weight reduction plan advocates eating less sugar.

There has been some disarray that a low-fat eating regimen implies you can devour low-fat treats and different treats, however this, once more, is the nourishment makers' impact. The genuine plan of low-fat feasting is to eat increasingly invigorating nourishment's that are normally low in fat: organic products, vegetables, beans, lean proteins, and entire grains.

There is a lot of research to help a low-fat way of life, similarly as there is solid proof that you can shed pounds by cutting carbs. Various methodologies work for various individuals, however on the off chance that you need to thin down, decreasing included sugars is reliable counsel over all projects.

One more note on included sugars: Whether you call it agave, stick juice, maple syrup, darker rice syrup, natural product juice condensed, date sugar, or any of the 61 names for included sugar, they all mean something bad for your well-being and your waistline
Mediterranean eating regimen named the best eating routine of 2020. Here's the manner by which to make it work for you

3. Eat all the more entire nourishment's:
I'm supportive of any program that advances entire nourishment's over hyper-handled charge, and this is one thing the mainstream diet plans can concur on. Excessively prepared nourishment's have been connected to weight gain, maybe in light of the fact that numerous undesirable bundled food sources (think: potato chips, dessert, solidified pizza, treats, and so forth) do not have the fiber found in numerous entire food sources, including vegetables. Fiber helps top us off, and inquire about recommends that by just adding more fiber to your menu, you can shed pounds almost just as a progressively confounded methodology. Reliably picking entire nourishment's is one approach to do this.

More up to date look into proposes it's simpler to indulge prepared nourishment's. Consider to what extent it takes to eat a cheap food sandwich contrasted with a plate of fish, serving of mixed greens, broccoli and dark colored rice. At the point when specialists led a comparative trial, coordinating suppers for calories, carbs, protein, fat and sugar, and permitting individuals to eat to such an extent (or as meager) as they preferred, they found that individuals ate around 500 calories more for every day when eating vigorously handled nourishment's — and they increased a normal of two pounds during the short examination time frame. They ate more, ate quicker, and encountered a few changes in their hunger controlling hormones that can cause it harder to feel full. Yet, those equivalent people shed around two pounds when given the entire nourishment's diet, recommending that organizing entire food sources can assist you with directing your craving and weight.

Modest and HEALTHY :
Entire nourishments incorporate organic products, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, entire grains, eggs, fish, chicken, etc. Nourishment ways of thinking may contrast around which of these nourishments to underline, yet that is alright, since the proof shows that there is anything but a solitary most ideal approach to get thinner. The objective is to choose a methodology that feels reasonable to you. In the event that you'd prefer to live without pasta, maybe a low-carb technique revolved around vegetables and quality proteins, similar to fish, chicken and lean hamburger would be a solid match. Veggie lovers and vegans can get thinner by picking natural products, vegetables, entire grains and plant proteins. Nut sweethearts may do well shedding pounds with a Mediterranean-style menu. Whatever diet advances to your craving and lifestyle, concentrating on entire nourishments is something that all plans advance.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

What are the symptoms of coronavirus, how to treat and protect, how severe, where did it come from, spread from an animal

The coronavirus, whose-mic by the World Health Organization.
The virus - which was previously unknown to scientists - has caused serious lung disease in many people in China and has already spread to hundreds of countries around the world.
What is the virus?

Coronavirus is an infectious virus that has never spread to humans before.
Another name for the virus is Covid19 - NCOV or Novel coronavirus.  It is a type of coronavirus.  There are many different types of coronavirus, but only six can be infected in humans.  But due to the new type of virus, the number will be seven from now.

The virus, which spreads epidemic in China since 2001(is called Acute Respiratory Syndrome), which killed 3 people and infected the world, infected the world.  It was also a type of coronavirus.

The new disease was initially called by various names, such as: "China virus", "coronavirus", "20nacv", "new virus", "mystery virus".
In the second week of February this year, the World Health Organization officially named the disease Covid-1, a short form of 'coronavirus disease-20'.
The new name of the disease is coronavirus 'Covid-1'

What are the symptoms of the disease:
Apart from Respiratory Laxman, fever, cough and shortness of breath are the main problems of Laxman.
The outbreak of coronavirus has reminded many of the SARS virus that led to the deaths of seven people, primarily in many Asian countries, at the beginning of the 20th.
Genetic code analysis of the new virus has shown that it is very similar to the serous virus.
"When we see a new coronavirus, we want to know how serious its symptoms are. The virus is a lot like the flu but not as deadly than the SARS virus," said Professor Mark Woolhouse of the University of Edinburgh.

  •  Quarantine
  •  Protect yourself from coronavirus
  •  How fast does the new coronavirus spread?  How worried?
  • Remember the seven things that prevent coronavirus
  • Can coronavirus spread through money?
  • Where is the origin of coronavirus, why it is so fatal
  • Coronavirus: How is Bangladesh identifying?
  • How far has progress been made in preventing coronavirus?

How severe are the negatives?
The infection begins with a fever, followed by a dry cough.  About a week later the breathing began.  Many patients have to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

At least one in every four is considered to be in critical condition.
Patients with coronavirus can experience all the symptoms, ranging from mild cold to death.
"When we see someone infected with the corona virus, we try to understand how severe the symptoms are.  It is more than a symptom of colds, which is worrisome, but not as severe as SARS, "says Professor Mark Woolhouse of the University of Edinburgh.

The World Health Organization is contemplating issuing a public health emergency around the world, as they did during the swine flu and Ebola.

Where did the coronavirus come from?

New viruses are always detected.

These viruses come from one of the animals and start infecting the human body.
The World Health Organization's idea is that the virus is the source of any animal.
As far as it is known, the tragedy of the people has happened in a market where wholesale fish is sold in Wuhan, China.
The coronavirus virus is in the family, but six of these viruses have been known before, but the infection is now new to humans.
Most coronaviruses are not dangerous, but the previously unknown new virus is thought to cause viral pneumonia to pandemic.

Coronavirus is spread from which animal?
Once a virus source can identify the animal, the disease is much easier to deal with.
Coronavirus correlates with the wholesale market for food in South China's Wuhan, China.

Although many marine animals can carry coronaviruses (such as beluga whales), there are also many living animals in the market, such as chickens, badgers, rabbits, snakes - these animals can be sources of coronavirus.
Researchers say that the virus is closely linked to a type of badass named Horseshoe in China.

Why in China?
Professor Ulhaus says the main reason for this is China's huge size and population density and its close association with the animals that carry the virus.
"It will not be surprising if the next major epidemic is in China or the region," he says.

How easily can the disease spread to humans?

The deadly coronavirus has spread to several cities in China.

At the beginning of the outbreak, Chinese authorities said that the virus was not transmitted to humans - but such patients have now been found.

Scientists now say that an infected person is spreading the disease between an average of 1.5 to 2.5 people.

This number is called the "Basic Reproduction Number or Basic Reproduction Number" - which means more than one means the disease has become self-dependent.

So we have known for a long time that it is a virus that cannot be destroyed or destroyed by itself.

Only the decisions taken in China - such as stringent measures to close cities - can only be prevented by spreading the disease.

Although these numbers are still a preliminary calculation, they are still comparing the coronavirus virus to the virus.

What is even more worrisome is that people can spread the virus without any signs of getting 

However, it is not yet clear how quickly or how easily it can happen, but it will make it more difficult to prevent the infection.

What can change the virus?
The virus is transmitted from one animal to another and is constantly changing its genetic structure - called mutation - from one organism to another.
So there are fears that the virus might become more dangerous.
But scientists are still trying to find out more about the nature of the virus and how it can be prevented.

News of various deadly viruses, such as SARS or Ebola, occasionally comes through the news.  This coronavirus is the latest in her.
Scientists say the virus may already be 'mutating' inside human cells - changing its structure and taking on new forms and multiplying it - making it even more dangerous.
The virus infects the lungs of the human being and through the respiratory system it spreads from one body to another.  Like the common flu or cold, the virus spreads through coughs and coughs.

How can the virus be prevented?

No vaccine or vaccine has been discovered to prevent the virus.
The only way to prevent this disease is to not allow the virus to spread to others.

Which means:

Limiting the movement of human beings.
To encourage everyone to wash their hands.
Health workers provide protective clothing to patients separately
Detectives or surveillance systems are also needed to determine if patients have the virus, and to identify those who have contacted the patients.

Quarantine What, How and Why:

What can be prevented after a mask?

A great symbol for any news of a viral infection is the image of a man wearing a mask or mask.
In many countries around the world, the use of masks is a popular way of preventing infection.  Especially in China, where the outbreak of coronavirus has spread, people also wander around wearing nose masks and mouth masks to avoid air pollution.

However, virus experts, called virologists, are quite skeptical about how effective this mask is in preventing airborne virus infections.

Can a virus infection be prevented after a mask?

However, there are some benefits of using this mask to prevent the infection from hand to mouth

In the eighteenth century the first surgical mask began to move.  But the mask did not reach the Amazon until the Spanish flu epidemic in 5.

About 1 million people died in the epidemic.
How effective is the mask against coronavirus?

"General surgical masks are not enough to protect against airborne viruses and bacteria," Dr David Carrington of St Georges at the University of London told the BBC.
"Most viruses" are airborne, he said, and these masks are so damp that it can't filter the air properly.Moreover, the person who is using this mask has his eyes open.

However, this mask can help reduce the risk of viral infections by sneezing or coughing.  And it also offers some protection against hand-to-mouth infections.

According to a New South Wales survey of 20 people, people touch hands with their hands 20 times per hour on average.

Jonathan Ball, a professor of molecular virology at the University of Nottingham, said a controlled study in the hospital found that face masks created as respirators could prevent influenza.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

After a heart attack

What are the warning Steps?

After a heart attack, it is possible to have more heart disease despite IT specialist treatment. Common warning signals that your heart is in danger:

Pain is different from angina, such as heavy pressure or soreness in the center of the chest. This is often referred to as "an elephant sitting on my chest." This pain can travel to the arms, jaw, neck, arms or back and sweat, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness and heart palpitations, and a feeling that something is very wrong.

• Shortness of breath or stagnation

• Swelling of legs, ankles, hands or mouth

• Sudden weight gain

• Abnormal fatigue with activities was previously easy for you

Anytime this symptom occurs, sit down immediately and rest. Use your prescribed nitroglycerin. If symptoms persist, call your doctor. If you cannot contact your doctor, call 911. If you happen to be in the hospital and any of these warning symptoms, report them to your nurse immediately.

Daily Exercise:
As your heart heals, you will gradually be able to become more active. Your doctor will monitor the phase of your activity and decide how fast you can proceed. Exercise Strengthens your heart, walking or jogging, swimming, cycling and dancing, as recommended:

• Using less oxygen consumed by a heart exercise can do more.
• Exercise lowers blood pressure, stress, tension, and cholesterol levels.
• Exercise makes you feel better mentally and encourages circulation.

There are general instructions for a balanced activity program:

• Consider a structured walking program, as walking is an excellent form of exercise.
• Gradually increase your amount of exercise or instruction.
• Regular exercise (5-6 times weekly) activities you enjoy, such as swimming, walking, cycling, etc.
• Avoid practicing in extreme points due to freezing point or hot or cold weather.
• Exercise 1 1/2 - 2 hours after eating or before waiting.
• Avoid laborious activity such as push-ups, heavy lifting, and heavy shoveling.
• Learn proper warm-up and cool-down exercises.

Simple Good food:
You will find information on developing and maintaining a healthy diet that controls weight and cholesterol.

Reducing fat:
Cholesterol is derived from cholesterol or saturated fat foods. High cholesterol foods include: egg yolks, organ meats (liver, kidney, ghee), whole dairy, lean meats and many lunch meats. Saturated fats include coconut oil, palm oil, hydrogenated (hardened) oil, chocolate and solid animal fat from whole milk, butter, fat, ice cream and meat.

Triglycerides are composed of carbohydrate foods, including many sweeteners and desserts. If the diet does not control your blood cholesterol levels, your doctor may order a cholesterol supplement.

Sodium (tissue) can increase the body's ability to hold water, which can increase your blood pressure. It is suggested that sodium be restricted to your diet. There are several ways to feed flavor without adding too much salt. Dietary counseling can help you. Many market foods, such as canned soup, contain excessive amounts of sodium. This amount should be displayed in the container 'label.

Before discharge, you will find extensive information about your specific medication. Follow these general instructions:

• Never take any medication, even aspirin, without first talking to your doctor.
• Carry a list of your medications in your wallet.
• Doctors need sewing and take this list to the hospital.
• Never take the former medicine without stopping, reducing or talking to your doctor first.

Having a heart attack can be a terrible experience. Many also express disbelief when they are told they have heart disease or had a heart attack. Some may be depressed thinking if they will be healthy. These reactions are not rare or unreasonable. This passion is a natural reaction to a life-threatening event. They can be encountered not only by you, but by your friends and family as well. None of this feeling is a sign of weakness. Sharing your feelings with those closest to you can reduce stress and strengthen relationships. If you do not feel comfortable sharing it with friends and family, please discuss them with your doctor, nurse or pastor of an institution.

Changes Lifestyle:
Changing health Sometimes we need to change the way we live, our relationships with others, our social roles and our work. Although change often requires effort, some people find that broad lifestyle changes can actually be less stressful than minor adjustments.
Relationships: Anxiety can affect relationships with family and friends during diagnosis, experience, treatment and daily living with no illness. There is concern about the future. That may be overprotective near you or cure by illness. Your role, whether it is earning people, housekeepers or family financial managers, may change or be temporarily on hold. The routine of daily living can be disrupted and can be a source of stress for all of this. However, illness can actually help you, your family and friends grow closer together. There are constructive ways to cope with these changes:

Communication: Both from your point of view and encourage open discussion of health concerns will ease the fears of others. Especially with children, the fear of the unknown can be very threatening. Encourage children to draw pictures of what they think is happening and to share with you. Your doctor, nurse, or other healthcare providers will be happy to assist if you need help answering many questions from loved ones.

Information sharing: Information about your illness should be shared with those around you; For example, they need to be aware of your diet, treatment, prognosis, and level of activity so they can be supported to understand and be changed.

Finding Support: If you or a loved one needs support or counseling, please share this with your doctor or nurse. Concerns about adjusting your illness, returning to work, disability and role and routine changes may be needed with the help of a specialist. Our Clinical Social Work Department can help arrange home health care or rehabilitation services, cope with the lifestyle changes to referrals for financial support and counseling.

Sexual Anxiety: Sexual activity did not end just because you had a heart attack. It is advisable to avoid some sexual activity or to add stress. Avoid positions that you find exhausting or that cause angina. Wait for a few hours after a heavy meal and relax before sexual activity. Do your doctor know if you suffer from coronary artery pain or any unusual symptoms at the time or after the activity.

Home and work: At home and work you will learn to pace yourself, reduce stress factors and allow for relaxation periods. If you examine your daily work habits, there are usually ways you can do it to ease the process: Avoid unnecessary trips on the stairs. Organize your week the same and avoid doing all your hard work in entertainment. Use proper body mechanics to avoid straining, and work at an even speed. In the summer, work in the morning and evening hours and in the shade too. In the winter, dress warmly with different layers of light clothing and do not shovel snow or use an ice hopper without your doctor's permission.

Healthy Habits: It is never too late to start a healthy lifestyle. Good health habits help you feel better physically and mentally for a sense of being better.

Way to keep the Heart Healthy:
• Check your weight and avoid steam or crash diets.
• Exercise regularly in your scheduled program.
• Avoid smoking and second direct smoke to everyone. (If you need help quitting smoking, Capital Cardiology Associates has been a smoking cessation class. Please ask for information or call 518-292-6000.)
• Set aside time each day to relax.
• Learn how to relieve stress.
• Know how many symptoms alert your doctor in case of caution and do not hesitate to call 911.

Risk factors:
Risk Factors Characteristics Increase the risk of coronary artery disease (Canadian). Risk factors read two categories: those we cannot change and those we can. Canadian risk can be reduced by changing the risk factor we are able to change.

Risk levels can be reduced that way:
Smoking: Smoking increases your blood pressure and earns your heart species by beating it fast. It also reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen and the artery walls become more sensitive to cholesterol. Any type of tobacco - causes cigarettes, pipes, cigars or other tobacco products, cancer and lung disease. Please discuss the use of nicotine supplements (gums, patches) at length with your doctor.
Cholesterol: The main component of cholesterol plaque is found in the arteries. Cholesterol can be reduced through diet and prescription medications.
High Blood Pressure: The function of the heart is greatly increased and the heart muscle can be intact and enlarged when long day high blood pressure is present. Blood pressure can be lowered by diet, exercise, stress management, and prescription drugs.
Diabetes: Studies have shown that atherosclerosis progresses more rapidly in people with diabetes. Diabetes can be controlled by diet and prescription medications.
Obesity: Each pound of excess weight means your heart has to do extra work. Excess weight increases your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and the risk of diabetes. Excessive weight loss can reduce your risk of another heart attack by keeping you off weight. Please discuss the diet with your doctor.

Stress: When you are under stress, your blood pressure rises, your muscles get tense, your breathing becomes faster and your heart beats faster. Exercise and stress management can reduce stress.
• Lack of exercise: Studies have shown that people who are less active have a higher risk for heart disease. Daily exercise (3-5 times a week) reduces the risk of heart disease and helps control weight, blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol levels.

The risk factor is that we cannot change
Heredity: Canadians who are unlikely to have a father, brother or sister
Disease at an early age.
Sex: Men have a higher incidence of Canadian than women, but greatly increase the risk of menopause women.
Race: African Americans are at higher risk for hypertension, which greatly contributes to stroke and heart disease.
Age: Canadian risk increases with age.
Thank you. Wishing you and your family good health.

By Mukit Hasan